Fish Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota
Contact Us
Public Works 651-674-7709
Gary Guse, Roads 651-775-9122
Andrea Nekowitsch, Clerk 651-248-4968
Public Records
Access to Public Information
It is the intent of the Board to provide reasonable means of access to public information held by the Town. Information in the possession of the Town shall be considered public unless the Board determines the information to be non-public. Access to information determined by the Board to be non-public shall be limited to Town officers and those who have a right to access the information by law.
Request for Information.
Anyone may request, either verbally or in writing, to inspect or to receive photocopies of public information held by the Town. Those wishing to inspect public records should contact the Town Clerk to make arrangements to view the information either at a Board meeting or at such other time as may be mutually convenient. Those wishing to obtain photocopies of public documents shall complete an Information Request Form (Appendix B) detailing the information requested.
Fees applicable to the request:
Labor - $15.00/hr.
Photocopying - $15/hr + .10 per copy
Mailing - Actual Cost
* If the total estimated cost exceeds $30, the requestor must pay the entire estimated amount before the Town will undertake to satisfy the request. If the actual cost is less than the estimated cost, the Town will refund the difference at the time the copies made available to the requestor. If the actual cost is more than the estimated cost, the requestor must pay the additional amount before receiving the copies.