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Meetings & Minutes

Meeting Agenda
6:00 p.m.  Call meeting to order
Road Report
Treasurer’s Report 
Approval of Minutes 
7:00 p.m. Scheduled Appointments
​Clerk Report
Board Member Reports
Old Business
New Business​
Citizen Comment 
March 10, 2025
Township Election 
10 am to 8 pm


Annual Meeting
8:05 PM​

2025 Gravel Hauling 

Quote Packet

2025 Annual Election

10 am to 8 pm

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 
8:05 PM

Notice is hereby given to qualified voters of Fish Lake Township, Chisago County, State of Minnesota, that the Annual Township Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11,2024.  In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday of March 2025. (Check WCMP 100.9FM/1350 AM on radio for information).  The election poll hours will be from 10:00AM to 8:00PM at which time voters will elect:  ONE SUPERVISOR FOR A 3 YEAR TERM.  The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:05PM to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law.  The Annual Meeting and Election of Officers will be held at the Fish Lake Town Hall at 2170 Brunswick Road, Harris, MN 55032.  Absentee ballots are available at the Chisago County Auditors Office.  The Board of Canvass will meet after the annual meeting adjourns to certify the official election results.





The town board of Fish Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota holds its regularly scheduled board meetings on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the town hall located at 2170 Brunswick Road, Harris, MN 55032


If the date of a regular meeting falls on a holiday or conflicts with an election, the meeting will be held in the following week on the same day, time, and place. If a regular town board meeting must be held at a different date, time, or place than indicated, or if the town board decides to hold a special board meeting, a notice of the meeting will be posted at the following public posting place[s] designated by the town board:  The Office Door.


The following are the dates on which the regular board meetings are scheduled to occur and reflect any changes due to conflicts:


MONTH MEETING DATES FOR 2025 (2nd Monday of the month)





If a regular meeting cannot be held on the date, time, or place listed above, notice of the date, time, and place of when and where the meeting will be held will be posted at least three days before the day of the meeting on Entry Door to the Office located at 2170 Brunswick Road, Harris, MN


A quorum of the town board may also attend: Township Planning Commission meetings (7:00 p.m. 3rd Thursday of the month);  Board of Commissioners (6:30 p.m. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month); CCATO meetings (7:00 p.m. last Wednesday of the month); Other meetings conducted by outside organizations relating to Township issues, such as educational training or with other entities.


A copy of this schedule shall be kept on file at the town’s primary office where its records are kept.


Andrea Nekowitsch, Town Clerk

January 13

February 10

March 10

April 14

May 12

June 9

July 14

August 11

September 8

October 13

November 10

December 8

Contact us

2170 Brunswick Road

Harris, MN 55032

651-674-7709 office/shop

Office hours: Thursdays 10:30-12:30

Original documents on file at the township office supersedes all information, documents, and references on this website.

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