Fish Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota
Contact Us
Public Works 651-674-7709
Gary Guse, Roads 651-775-9122
Andrea Nekowitsch, Clerk 651-248-4968
My Community
Chisago County Sheriff's Office
Website - www.chisagocounty.us Go to: Government>Departments>Sheriff's Office
Facebook - Chisago County Sherriff's Office
Twitter - @ChisagoCountySO
Crime Maps - raidsonline.com
Chisago County Community Center (Senior Center)
38790 6th Ave.
North Branch, MN 55056
Website: www.chisagosrcernter.org
Fish Lake County Park
43308 Elmcrest Ave.
Harris, MN 55032
Website: http://chisagocounty.us/459/Fish-Lake-Park-Harris
Recreation Ideas
Website: http://chisagocounty.us/780/Recreation
Household Hazardous Waste
Facility Information: http://www.co.chisago.mn.us/DocumentCenter/View/4219
HHW Brochure: http://www.co.chisago.mn.us/DocumentCenter/View/4218
County Web Page: http://www.co.chisago.mn.us/384/Waste-Disposal-Recycling/household-hazardous-waste/
Township Facebook Pages
Fish Lake Township General Information Facebook Page - A page for general announcements from Fish Lake Township
Fish Lake Twp. Family History Group - A place to ask and answer questions about family history and former residents and settlers in Fish Lake Township.